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Welcome to Swagelok Saudi Arabia

Swagelok Saudi Arabia - Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center


Swagelok Saudi Arabia, established in 2013, is the authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our distributorship carries a large in-house inventory in the heart of Jubail Industrial City and provides our customers with the following services:

Custom Solutions (Assemblies) Services

Evaluation and Advisory Services

Training Services

Our office is staffed with friendly Customer Service Representative and knowledgeable Sales Engineers who can help you optimize your system and select the right products for your application.

About Swagelok Company

Swagelok is a $2 billion, privately-held company founded in 1947 and located in Solon, Ohio. Swagelok Company designs, manufactures, and delivers an expanding range of the highest quality fluid system products and solutions. Through an exclusive network of authorized Swagelok sales and service centers Swagelok Company delivers knowledge, resources, innovations, and value to customers worldwide.